Hi there. Remember us? Your favorite sister/brother team of boozehounds. Go ahead. Tell us you missed us. We missed us too. Or rather, we miss experimenting with booze almost daily. But never fear! We are coming back for round two of the Cocktail Advent Calendar (patent not pending). What we thought we'd do is post a bit of our thoughts about last year's cocktails, what we liked and what we'd like a Mulligan on.
In case you forgot what happened last year, we created a calendar of 24 cocktails inspired by any manner of Christmas characters and divided them into several categories (Naughty, Lovable Lug, Nice, Dickensian & the Magi). We learned so much about cocktail construction and what was needed to make a good drink. It was great fun and scratched a creativity itch that both of us had.
We thought we'd share the drinks we thought were the best and the drinks that made us say "meh."First up are the Favourites.
Kate's Top Three...and a Bonus
The Griswold ... This was an amazing take on eggnog. Better, I think.
The Sugar Plum Fairy ... We served pitchers of this (with the club soda addition) at our family Solstice celebration. It was the BEST Solstice we'd ever had. A really tasty, party drink.
The Kaspar ... The fig infusion of the gin was my favourite infusion. Overall, this was a very tasty cocktail and a little unexpected.
Bonus: The Randy ... These flavours all worked together really well. The bacon washing worked better here than in the Yukon Cornelius.
Drew's Top Three...plus One
The Sugar Plum Fairy ... This drink tasted exactly as I/we envisioned it. And it was fantastic. And double everything Kate said!
The Ghost of Christmas Past ... Sometimes simple is better. I honestly think this was the best classic version of a martini I ever had. Three quality ingredients make a fantastic drink.
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come ... A very different type of cocktail and definitely only meant for certain occassions but, man, was this interesting. And I feel like this was our best example of creating a cocktail completely from scratch. No riffing there; this was an original composition.
Plus One: The Clara...What's not to love about adult cherry limeade? Bubbly, clean and not super sweet.
Our next post is going to be about what we thought were our less successful creations. We posted links to our social media pages at the top of the blog. Follow us wherever you like to socialize!